Skewers for all shapes and sizes
Churrasco Barbecue
There is a rich history or Brazilian cooking that began long ago with Gauchos (cowboys) who cooked meat skewered on their swords and stuck in the ground next to a wood fire, while out tending their herd of cattle. Eventually their swords became skewers and the they were turned over wood burning in a barrel. Churrasco (defination: barbecue in Portugese) continues to be popular and is often made to share at family gatherings, social events and special occassions.
Rodizio (power turned skewers) began in Brazil around 1960 and was introduced to the US in the mid 90's. Churrasco restaurants continue to gain in popularity. A variety of meat, rotating over a live charcoal fire, basting in their own juices, produces a most succulent, tender and flavorful meal. If you've had a meal at a Brazilian steakhouse, I know you'll agree.